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  • Our Story | Ontario | Island Products

    It starts with our brand & becomes a lifestyle! We have a passion for making the most out of our outdoor experiences. Find out more about Island Products and how we began! NOTRE HISTOIRE Cela commence avec notre marque et devient un style de vie Fondateurs Taylor Shaw et Ted Hoy Deux canadiens d'une petite ville qui ont une passion pour explorer et créer des expériences de plein air. Lorsque nous passons une journée sur l'eau avec nos amis et notre famille, nous plaisantions toujours en souhaitant d'avoir plus d'espace sur l'eau. Les roues ont commencé à tourner, nous avons commencés à créer, puis Island Products est né. Nous n'avons pas imaginé Island Products en pensant aux choses de manière traditionnelle. Le fait d'être de fiers Canadiens et que nous sommes passionnés de bateaux a aidé Island Products à devenir ce qu'ils sont aujourd'hui. Maintenant, nous sommes peut-être biaisés, mais ces produits sont véritablement un impératif sur l'eau. Nous sommes excité que vous profitiez autant que nous de vos produits Island!

  • Contact Us | Ontario | Island Products

    We want to make your outdoor experince next level! Contact us today about Island Products, Island Pads and Island Chill. We can't wait to hear from you! CONTACTEZ-NOUS Nos bureaux 6435, autoroute 89 Est Alliston, Ontario L9R 1V2 Avoir des questions? (705) 331-2591 remplissez notre formulaire de contact: NOUS AIMERIONS RECEVOIR DE VOS NOUVELLES! NOUS FAIRE PARVENIR Merci d'avoir soumis! FAQ FAQ How much does a complete Island Pad Product bag weigh? The smallest from 50lbs up to 80lbs for our 240 model. Can you use it to tow behind a boat? No, the island is not intended for towing sports. How easy is it to get a hole in an island pad? It is not easy to pierce our pads because of its very thick 16mm PVC drop-stitch fabric. Can I leave my Island Pad outdoors in the water all season? We strongly recommend that you bring in your island after use to avoid UV exposure and extend its lifespan. How long does it take to pump? Times range from 60 seconds to 2 minutes. The Island Chill coolers float? Yes! How long will the Island Chill keep ice? Depending on the size and temperature, the ice can last up to 7 or 8 days in summer heat following the instructions provided. Combien pèse un sac de produit Island Pad complet? Le plus petit de 50lbs jusqu’à 80lbs pour notre modèle 240. Pouvez-vous l’utiliser pour remorquer derrière un bateau? Non, l’île n’est pas destinée aux sports de remorquage. Comment est-il facile d’obtenir un trou dans un coussin de l’île? Il n’est pas facile de percer nos îles en raison de leaurs tissus très épais de 16mm PVC drop-stitch. Puis-je laisser mon Island Pad à l’extérieur dans l’eau toute la saison? Nous vous recommandons fortement d’apporter votre île après utilisation pour éviter l’exposition aux UV et prolonger sa durée de vie. Combien de temps faut-il pour pomper? Les temps varient de 60 secondes à 2 minutes. Les refroidisseurs Island Chill flottent? Oui! Combien de temps l’Island Chill gardera-t-il de la glace? Selon la taille et la température, la glace peut durer jusqu’à 7 ou 8 jours en chaleur estivale selon les instructions fournies.

  • Island Chill | Ontario | Island Products

    Island Chill coolers always keep their cool in the toughest conditions. It’s sure to keep Monday’s lunch cold till Friday, and Friday’s beer cold till Monday. Whether in the bed of your truck or the bilge of your boat, we’ve built a performer! RÉSEAUX DES MARCHANDS Courriel du concessionnaire Orillia: Boards N Plages Ellen McPherson (705) 330-6119 Boîte de pêche de Trombly 595, rue Ouest S, Orillia, ON L3V 5H7 (705) 327-3474 Manitoulin: Ferguson's Cottage Supply Co. (705) 968-0602 10741, autoroute 6, P0P 1W0 Kingston: Marina de l'île au trésor. (613) 548-1239 1753, route 2, Kingston Est, Ontario K7L 4V1 Port de Victoria: Queens Cove Marine (705) 534-4100 67, chemin Juneau Boîte postale 333 Victoria Harbour, Ontario Canada L0K 2A0 Honey Harbour: Marina de South Bay Cove (705) 756-3333 375 S Bay Rd, Port Severn, ON L0K 1S0 Huntsville: Ruthven Marine (705) 349-8701 94, chemin Peacock Bay, Huntsville ON P1H 2J2 Bracebridge : DVR Marine (705) 706-7704 Bracebridge

  • Island Float | Island Products Inflatable Docks & Dog Ramps

    Inflatable hammock and splash pad designed with seats and cup holder tiedowns! Packs small and inflates easily! Island Float Buy Now The Best thing since the innertube! Jump around or sit and relax in the molded seating with bungee tie-downs to hold down your Portable speakers or cooler! A Perfect size for the back of a boat or the trunk of a car. Features two molded seats but can sit 4+ People, Shock Cord Bungees for attachment of your necessities or accessories! (Drink cups, Phones, Portable speakers, Coolers, Etc Our latest and greatest development brings a great platform to hang out around the water, Features a flat backside to tie against your boat or dock. D-rings for easy attachment and side handles to move it around, it's light and portable enough to pick up and store in your shed or garage when it's not in use, Or leave it out for the season if you're using it at your cottage! The blue PVC liner keeps the aquatic life out while also doubles as a seat bottom to splash around in, it is the ultimate upgrade from the traditional innertube! Included is a hand pump that takes about 7 minutes to inflate, it goes back in an easy storage bag when you're done! An oversized bag so your not fighting to get it back in! Heavy-duty PVC construction supports 1000 lbs Hand pump with gauge Pvc floor with drain hole D-rings for connection to your boat or dock includes: Blue and white inflatable Patch kit, hand pump & bag Inflated Size: 1.6m X2.5m X 15 cm ( 64 in X 99 in X 6 in) OPTIONS: Electric Pump, Island Float Island Float features a flat back for the for integration with all other Island Products, and also makes tieing to your boat or dock easy! with two integrated seats and bungees for optional cup holders!

  • Quai Portable | Island Products | Ontario

    Island Products helps you bring your outdoor experience to the next level. Our products include inflatable docks known as "Island Pads", as well as coolers and tumblers in our "Island Chill" line. On Water Partners DEALER ONLY LOGIN DITCH THE FOAM INFLATE EXTRA SPACE TM Cool Accessories you've seen us use! These are products we use but don't stock! feel free to buy with the links below if you want them! ( Click the image ) Milwaukee Battery powered air pump 18” High-Strength Dock Bungee Dewalt Battery powered air pump Dinghy and PVC cleaner great for Island Products Milwaukee Battery powered blower NEW PRODUCT ALERT! We are thrilled to introduce the Island Tube - an exceptional innertube experience! Our tubes are available in two sizes and two colors, and are equipped with cup holders for your convenience. They are designed to be effortless to carry, inflate, and store, making them the ideal addition your summer activities. Get ready to have a blast with the Island Tube! Ditch The Foam . Inflate Extra Space . tm Enjoy your tie on the water with the extra inflated space from our Canadian-designed platforms. Island Pads are available in 3 sizes and 2 colors so we'll have just the right float for you! Great for behind the boat or at the cottage and can support deck chairs with ease. Island Pads Buy Now DEALER ONLY LOGIN Whether it's used from a dock or your boat, your dog can effortlessly walk in and out with confidence. Designed in bright yellow and has an extra wide opening for easy training. This lets your dog easily find his way back up once in the water. Island Dog Buy Now DEALER ONLY LOGIN Having the extra space for your dog can make boating a little easier. With the Island Dog Beach and a optional Turf pad, it make the trip to shore for a potty break a thing of the past. The turf is designed to fasten in place will allow for a great area for you dog to do their business, and have the extra space to lounge on. Since its all plastic, its easily rinsed off with lake water or a stream of water. Designed in bright yellow and has an extra wide opening for easy training. This lets your dog easily find his way back up once in the water. Island Dog Beach Having the extra space for your dog can make boating a little easier. With the Island Dog Beach and a optional Turf pad, it make the trip to shore for a potty break a thing of the past. The turf is designed to fasten in place will allow for a great area for you dog to do their business, and have the extra space to lounge on. Since its all plastic, its easily rinsed off with lake water or a stream of water. Designed in bright yellow and has an extra wide opening for easy training. This lets your dog easily find his way back up once in the water. Island Dog Beach BUY NOW Ditch The Foam . Inflate Extra Space . tm Hang in the water surrounded by friends with beverages in hand. Island Float is a great Hammock or splash pad on the water! includes two incorporated seats and bungees provided for the optional cup holders! Island Float BUY NOW DEALER ONLY LOGIN INFLATABLE INNER TUBE ISLAND TUBE Discover the ultimate lake accessory: A high-quality inner tube designed for both comfort and convenience. Professional-grade with an integrated cupholder, ensuring your beverage is always within reach as you float leisurely in the water. This fast-inflating tube deflates to store extremely small, making it ideal for any outing. Available in two vibrant colors and two sizes, this premium inflatable guarantees durability and fun for all your lake adventures. We offer two sizes of interior openings for smaller persons! Island tube Buy Now DEALER ONLY LOGIN inflatable boarding platform DINGHY DOCK Easy boarding and Docking, the Dinghy Dock is the ideal accessory for the boat owner with a dinghy! The Dinghy Dock's design allows the owner to dock their dinghy by beaching it in the boat and will provide a stable platform to enter and exit with the help of 3 water ballasts underneath the dock. the top surface has AVE nonskid foam for good grip and D rings along the two sides to make fastening to your swim platform easy, it can be used parallel or perpendicular as the dock is 8" square! The dock includes a rope boarding ladder. The Dinghy Dock can accommodate up to a 4M RIB with ease Dinghy Dock Buy Now Explorez les options À PROPOS DE NOUS Cela commence avec notre marque et devient un style de vie. Nous n'avons pas imaginé Island Products en pensant aux choses de manière traditionnelle. Nous sommes des fiers Canadiens avec une passion des bateaux, qui a aidé Island Products à devenir ce qu'ils sont aujourd'hui. NOTRE HISTOIRE

  • Island Pads | Ontario | Island Products

    Our inflatable docks, "Island Pads", come in a variety of different sizes to fit your outdoor needs! How will you use your extra space on the water? ROBUSTE | DURABLE | FLOTTABLE Sunset Island Pad Two ladies floating in the sunset on an Island Pad 240 Rafted boats with Island Pads Island Pads tied to boats anchored at an island. padcombo Sunset Island Pad Two ladies floating in the sunset on an Island Pad 240 1/51 Un ajout important à votre temps sur l'eau! Check out some Photos NOS PADS Inclus avec chaque Pad de la série 2 : Sac de transport | Anneaux en D | Poignées de transport | Échelle Pompe électrique 110V | Correctifs de réparation Inclus avec chaque Pad de la série 1 : Sac de transport | Anneaux en D | Poignées de transport | Correctifs de réparation Pompe manuelle ou électrique vendue séparément Espace gonflé: 1,6 m X 2,5 m 5,2 pi X 8 pi Espace stocké: 68 cm X 35 cm X 35 cm 27 pouces X 14 pouces X 14 pouces Charge maximale: 3 personnes ou 800Lbs Pression de gonflage maximale: 4,25 psi Lester: 18 kg MAGASIN 125 225 Espace gonflé: 2 mx 2,5 m 6,6 pi X 8 pi Espace stocké: 90 cm X 50 cm X 25 cm 36 pouces X 20 pouces X 10 pouces Charge maximale: 4 personnes ou 1000Lbs Pression de gonflage maximale: 4,25 psi Lester: 28 kg MAGASIN 230 Espace gonflé: 2 mx 3 m 6.6 pieds X 10 pieds Espace stocké: 90 cm X 50 cm X 25 cm 36 pouces X 20 pouces X 10 pouces Charge maximale: 6 personnes ou 1500Lbs Pression de gonflage maximale: 4,25 psi Lester: 34 kg MAGASIN 240 Espace gonflé: 2 mx 4 m 6,6 pi X 13 pi Espace stocké: 90 cm X 50 cm X 30 cm 36 pouces X 20 pouces X 12 pouces Charge maximale: 8 personnes ou 2000Lbs Pression de gonflage maximale: 4,25 psi Lester: 40 kg MAGASIN LA CONSTRUCTION Fabriqué à partir de tissu PVC de 6"et 8" d'épaisseur Les îles sont fabriqués à partir de tissu PVC Drop-Stitch de haute qualité. Le processus Drop-Stitch incorpore une structure en forme de cadre à l'intérieur de l'île pour lui donner une résistance incroyable aux rayures et aux déchirures. ANNEAUX EN D Anneaux en D en acier inoxydable pour les points d'arrimage Chaque île de la série 2 possède 12 anneaux en D incorporés dans les coins. Avec les anneaux en D fixés au bord, il offre une surface supérieure totalement lisse pour le plaisir. Ainsi que l'amarrage facile de plusieurs îles ou d'ensemble flottant. POIGNÉES Les poignées incorporées offrent la tenue parfaite pour les nageurs Chaque île possède 8 poignées incorporées sur les bords. Les poignées sont parfaites pour remonter à bord, nager et déplacer l'île lorsqu'il est gonflé. ÉCHELLES Les échelles inclues aides à remonter à bord (disponible uniquement sur les série 2) Une échelle souple à 4 marches est livrée en standard avec chaque île. Ce qui est nécessaire pour remonter à bord, vous le trouverez très pratique pour pratiquer des sports nautiques ou nager. VALVES Les valves Bravo facilitent le gonflage et le dégonflage Les valves unidirectionnelles offrent un gonflage supérieur. Lorsque la pompe est connectée à la première valve, elle dispose d'un clapet anti-retour pour s'assurer que votre coussin est à une pression de gonflage optimale. La conception de l'île comprend une soupape de sur-remplissage régulant la pression gonflée. POMPE BRAVO Pompe électrique de 110 volts Une pompe de gonflage Bravo de 110 volts est incluse avec l'île de la série 2. En fonction de la taille de l'île, le temps de gonflage varie entre 120 à 240 secondes et tout aussi rapide à dégonfler!

  • Island Dog Ramp| Island Products

    Island Dog, The original inflatable dog ramp designed for your dock or boat Easily let your dog out of the water on their own! Stores small and inflates in seconds. The Original Dog Ramp Buy Now ISLAND DOG . Built for Small and Large dogs! We've built three models before we found the perfect design. Our latest and greatest Dog Ramp features a wide angle opening and wider support tubes for easier access when the dog enters from an angle with better support for larger dogs! Whether it's used from a dock or your boat, your dog can effortlessly walk in and out with confidence. Designed in bright yellow and has an extra wide opening for easy training. This lets your dog easily find his way back up once in the water. The Island Dog includes a hand pump to blow it up in just 2 minutes, and stores as small as a camp chair! -EVA foam for extra grip on your dog's paws -Claw-friendly & Heavy duty construction -For dogs up to 160 pounds -Hand pump with gauge -Mesh ramp with three grip bars for easy use -D rings for connection to your boat or dock Includes: -Yellow inflatable with mesh ramp -Patch kit, hand pump & bag -Inflated Size: -100 cm X 91 cm X 15 cm ( 48 in X 36 in X 6 in) The Dog Beach & Ramp Buy Now Turf Mat is an optional accessory and is not included, but may be bought separately ISLAND DOG BEACH . Built for Small and Large dogs! We've built three models! our latest and Greatest Dog Ramp features a wide angle opening and wider support tubes for easier access when the dog enters from an angle with better support for larger dogs! Whether it's used from a dock or your boat, your dog can effortlessly walk in and out with confidence. Designed in bright yellow and has an extra wide opening for easy training. This lets your dog easily find his way back up once in the water. The Island Dog includes a hand pump to blow it up in just 2 minutes, and stores as small as a camp chair! -EVA foam for extra grip on your dog's paws -Claw-friendly & Heavy duty construction -For dogs up to 160 pounds -Hand pump with gauge -Mesh ramp with three grip bars for easy use -D rings for connection to your boat or dock Includes: -Yellow inflatable with mesh ramp -Patch kit, hand pump & bag -Inflated Size: -2.5m X 1.6m X15 cm ( 8 ft X 5 ft X 6 in) optional turf mat Turf Mat is an optional accessory and is not included in the dog beach but may be bought separately Buy Now ISLAND DOG BEACH TURF The Turf Mat Option for your Dog Beach is a great accessory to for your dog to feel more at home whie spending time on the water. The turf allows your dog to do their business on the Island Beach, some training required. Turf Mat is easily installed and removable with clips and small bungees. this aids in cleaning and storing. Pro Tip: Leave the mat on your lawn in a common area where you dog uses the washroom. the scent over time will become recognizable while being used on the Dog Beach and will require less training to use the matt in a unfamiliar environment. - Sized Astroturf with plastic backer -Claw-friendly & Heavy duty construction -Green corner clips -4 Bungees for tieing down -Mesh Bag for storage Includes: - Green Truf - Clips - Bungees - Bag Dog Gallery Explore all things Dog in Photos and short videos!

  • Dinghy Dock | Island Products Inflatable Docks & Dog Ramps

    Inflatable dinghy dock, perfect for tieing up your dinghy behind your boat on the lake. Aids in boarding and mooring your dinghy vehind your boat. with boarding ladder, high grip surface and water ballast for stability. inflatable boarding platform DINGHY DOCK A new concept for mooring our dinghy behind your vessel while rafting or mooring! keep your dinghy behind your boat and board with confidence! Island Dinghy Dock Buy Now Easy boarding and Docking, the Dinghy Dock is the ideal accessory for the boat owner with a dinghy! The Dinghy Dock's design allows the owner to dock their dinghy by beaching it in the boat and will provide a stable platform to enter and exit with the help of 3 water ballasts underneath the dock. the top surface has AVE nonskid foam for good grip and D rings along the two sides to make fastening to your swim platform easy, it can be used parallel or perpendicular as the dock is 8" square! The dock includes a rope boarding ladder. The Dinghy Dock can accommodate up to a 4M RIB with ease. EVA foam top Boarding ladder Cut out and extra PVC in high-wear areas Stainless steel D rings on corners and two sides for anchoring 2.4M X 2.4M in size! ( 8'X8') 450 Kg deck capacity (1000 Lbs) When inflated to 0.35Bar / 5 PSI Includes: Island dinghy dock Patch Kit, Electric pump Carry bags Product prepared for 2025 late spring deliveries Patent Pending. dINGHY dOCK gALLERY

  • Island Products Canada specializing in inflatable docks and swim platforms

    We have the largest color and style of inflatable swim platforms and docks. Canada's original; and best manufacturer of inflatables! Bénéficie d'une garantie de deux ans Island Products Canada's great offering of premium Canadian designed Inflatables! We build simply the best floating platforms, loungers and pet accessories Custom Inflatable services are available Featured Products On Sale The Original Dog Ramp The Original Dog Ramp Buy Now NEW Island Dog Beach Island Dog Beach Pre-Order NEW Island Float Island Float Water Hammock With Integrated Seats! Buy Now On Sale Sea Foam Island Pad 240 Sea Foam Island Pad 240 Buy Now On Sale Island Villa Island Villa Island Villa, Infltable Gazeo, Infltable Cabana Buy Now On Sale Cup/Drink Holders Cup/Drink Holders Buy Now Island Tube Island Tube Buy Now Island Pads The Original Island Pads Pre-order Sea Foam Island Pad 125 Sea Foam Island Pad 125 Pre-Order On Sale Sea Foam Island Pad 240 Sea Foam Island Pad 240 Buy Now Accessories Small D-Ring Assembly 2 Pack Small D-Ring Assembly 2 Pack Buy Now Large D-ring Assembly 2 Pack Large D-ring Assembly 2 Pack Buy Now Hand Pump For IP125 And paddle Boards Hand Pump For IP125 And paddle Boards Buy Now Sea Anchor Kit - 2 anchors Sea Anchor Kit - 2 anchors Buy Now Small D-Ring Assembly 4 Pack Small D-Ring Assembly 4 Pack Buy Now Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Relief Valve Buy Now My Account Track Orders Shopping Bag Display prices in: CAD

  • Island Tube | Island Products Inflatable Docks & Dog Ramps

    Discover the ultimate lake accessory: A high-quality inner tube designed for both comfort and convenience. Professional-grade with an integrated cupholder, ensuring your beverage is always within reach as you float leisurely in the water. inflatablE INNER TUBE Island tube Buy Now Discover the ultimate lake accessory: A high-quality inner tube designed for both comfort and convenience. Professional-grade with an integrated cupholder, ensuring your beverage is always within reach as you float leisurely in the water. This fast-inflating tube deflates to store extremely small, making it ideal for any outing. Available in two vibrant colors and two sizes, this premium inflatable guarantees durability and fun for all your lake adventures. We offer two sizes of interior openings for smaller persons! Recommendations if you are under 175 Cm Tall ( 5'9") we recommend the small tube, and if you are over 175 cm ( 5'9") we recommend the larger tube! Heavy-duty PVC construction supports 136 Kg (300 lbs) D-rings for tethering together or to your boat Handles for convenience Available in TWO sizes and TWO colors. SMALL TUBE ( recommended for people UNDER 175 Cm Tall ( 5'9") Includes: White and Seafoam Tube, patch kit, hand pump & bag. Inflated Size: 53 cm X 101 cm X1 24 cm ( 21 in X 40 in X 49 in) Large TUBE ( recommended for people OVER 175 Cm Tall ( 5'9") Includes: White and Blue Tube, patch kit, hand pump & bag. Inflated Size: 60 cm X 124 cm X 142 cm ( 24 in X 49 in X 56 in) Island TUbE

  • DOWNLOADS | Island Products Inflatable Docks & Dog Ramps

    Download product details and instructions. Instructions de réparation et de collage Instructions d'installation de l'ancre de mer Instructions de gonflage IP 225, 230 et 240 Instructions de gonflage IP 125 Island Dog Inflation Instructions Island Lounge Inflation Instructions Garantie limitée de deux ans des produits Island Products

  • Blog | Island Products Inflatable Docks & Dog Ramps

    All Posts Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.

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